1- Since all products are electronic and used once in the account, the products are not returned or exchanged after payment and receipt
2- The site is not responsible for any technical problems in the customer’s device or the occurrence of a programming error or the like, the customer must check the requirements of the game before purchasing it
3- The responsibility of the site ends when the code is activated and activated in the account
4- The customer must read the details of each product well and make sure that it matches his request, it is not possible to return or exchange a product in any way after sending it
5- Prices are subject to change at any moment without prior notice
6- When there is a problem with the code or game activation or a wrong code, please inform us within 14 days of delivery, the site is not responsible for the customer’s delay in retrieving the product in his account
7- When there is an error, the customer must wait for 24 – 72 hours until the problem is resolved
8- The site is not responsible for the customer’s sharing of codes or the like to another party
9- The site has the right to return the amount to the customer if the payment process is suspicious in accordance with the nature of the site’s work, without stating the reason for the customer.